Mark Schweikert, Accounting and Finance Professional
Doughton Recreation Area Loop in Wilkes County
Let’s Connect: Mobile : 336-244-0759 / Email: mschweikert21@gmail.com
A brief overview of myself as a finance and accounting professional.
Regarding my overall skill set, I think of myself primarily as a problem solver and trouble shooter. I've performed at a high level in both accounting and FP&A, and I can tackle issues in either area.
I worked as a CPA and an auditor for Deloitte in Saudi Arabia early in my career, and spent 8 years overall working in the middle east, so I have experience working in diverse and challenging environments.
I have a very strong financial systems background. I've been involved with systems implementations with PeopleSoft, Oracle and SAP.
I've been the systems administrator for the finance module for PeopleSoft, Oracle and SAP.
Whatever systems someone is using, even if I've never used it, I will get up to speed and be a power user in short order.
I have very, VERY strong financial modeling skills in excel - - it's as natural as breathing the air to me. That includes both reporting models and very complex forecasting and analysis models.
I'm in the process of putting together some demo reporting models to demonstrate my skills in a more tangible manner.
With regard to excel modeling … broadly speaking, whether it's reporting of actual results or a type of forecasting model, I try to design things in a manner to make them fast and flexible to update, minimizing points of failure, with built-in data validation checks.
I always try to have the data in one or two spots in a tabular format, and then drive the reporting off of that. You won't find a model that I built where if you trace the data source of one cell … it will trace back to another sheet, which traces back to another sheet, and another and another, etc. I try to keep things as straightforward as possible.
With regard to myself overall - I'm pretty direct and straightforward as well. I am above all else, principle centered, as described by Stephen Covey in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.
Examples of correct principles include honesty, fairness, equality, justice, compassion, forgiveness, patience, courage, etc.
Honesty is the most important, because without honesty a person can just lie about all the others. Honesty includes being honest with yourself, about yourself and the world around you.
Honesty also includes making a good-faith effort to stay informed through trustworthy sources of information, and to keep a healthy level of skepticism of information you receive - even when it's from sources normally proven to be reliable.
Moreover, honesty involves having depth in your thought process. If you're not really thinking things through, you may think you're being honest, but you may not be - - everyone has the responsibility to develop critical thinking habits as best they can.
Whatever it is you care about - whether it's your work, your family, your religion, your country, etc - - the best way to serve them is to keep correct principles at your center.
Aside from all that - - I'm in good health. I enjoy exercise and outdoor activities, especially hiking with my dog.
If you think I might be a good fit for your organization, I love the opportunity to discuss it with you.
Going to Carolina in my mind - some photos from the area